Angular 16 Online Training

What is Angular

Angular is a popular open-source front-end web application framework developed by Google. It allows developers to create dynamic, single-page web applications with ease. Angular uses a component-based architecture, which means that developers can break down the application into smaller, reusable parts that can be easily managed and updated.

One of the key features of Angular is its use of declarative templates, which allows developers to define the structure and behavior of their application in a clear and concise manner. This makes it easier for developers to build complex user interfaces without having to write a lot of code. Angular also provides a wide range of built-in tools and libraries that make it easier to manage data, handle user input, and perform other common tasks.

Another important aspect of Angular is its focus on performance and scalability. The framework is designed to work efficiently with large and complex applications, and includes features such as lazy loading and ahead-of-time compilation to optimize performance. Additionally, Angular provides strong support for testing and debugging, making it easier to catch errors and ensure that the application is functioning as intended. Overall, Angular is a powerful tool for building modern web applications that are both functional and performant.


Basic programming concepts

You should have a good understanding of programming concepts like variables, data types, conditional statements, loops, and functions.


ASP.NET Core Web API is a framework for building web APIs using the ASP.NET Core framework. It provides a set of tools and features that make it easy to create RESTful APIs that can be consumed by Angular applications.

Web development

You should have a basic understanding of web development concepts like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This will help you understand how web applications work and how they interact with the server.

Duration, Fees & Registration

Course Duration

  • Duration: 20+ Days

  • 1 hour session via Zoom

  • Mon to Thu/Sat to Sun

Payment Mode

  • PayPal

  • Xoom

  • Bank Wire Transfer

  • UPI (India)

Who should join this course

Beginners and Newbies

  • Fresh Graduates with Passion to learn programming

  • Fresh Graduates with Computer Science background

  • Junior Software Developers

Front-End & UI/UX

  • Web Designers

  • Graphic Designers

  • Front-End Developers

Experienced Professionals

  • Senior Software Developers

  • IT Managers

  • Team Leads

  • Database Administrators

About the Instructor

Abhishek Rajiv Luv

.NET & ASP.NET Online Instructor

Abhishek Luv is a skilled .NET and ASP.NET Trainer with more than 7 years of teaching experience, specializing in C#, ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework Core, Visual Studio, LINQ, Repository and Unit of work pattern, ASP.NET Core Web API, Git and Github, Angular, and more. He has trained students worldwide and is passionate about helping them achieve success in the field.

Contact me

Angular 16 Online Training Syllabus

Angular for .NET Developers
  • Downloading Visual Studio Code
  • Downloading Node.js LTS version
  • JavaScript overview
  • Types and Variables
  • Properties, Objects and Functions in JavaScript
  • What is TypeScript
  • Using Node.js and NPM to download TypeScript
  • Configuring TypeScript
  • Basic types, Variable Declarations
  • Classes, Interfaces
  • Introduction to Angular 16
  • Features in Angular 4/6/8/9/10/11/12/13
  • Difference between Angular 1 & Angular 4/6/8/9/10/11/12/13
  • Understanding Angular Application Folder Structure
  • Architecture of Angular 16 Application
  • Understanding Angular CLI
  • Creating Angular Application using Angular CLI
  • Using Angular CLI Commands
  • Bootstrapping
  • Understanding Components
  • Building Blocks of Angular Component
  • Creating a Component
  • Interpolation{{}}
  • Template Expressions and Statements
  • Property Binding
  • Event Binding
  • Two-way Data Binding
  • Understanding Angular Directives
  • Component, Structual, and Attribute Directives
  • ngIf, ngSwitch, ngFor, ngModel, ngClass, ngStyle, and more..
  • Creating Custom Directives in Angular
  • Understanding Pipes
  • Using Built-In Pipes with/without Parameters
  • Chaining Pipes
  • Creating Custom Pipes in Angular
  • Understanding Template-Driven Forms
  • Importing FormsModule from @angular/forms
  • Using FormControl, FormGroup, FormArray
  • Doing Validations using Template-Driven Forms
  • Understanding Reactive-Driven Forms
  • Importing ReactiveFormsModule from @angular/forms
  • Using FormControl, FormGroup
  • Doing Validations using Reactive-Driven Forms
  • Understanding Services and Dependency Injection
  • Using @Injectable
  • Using Dependency Injection and IoC
  • Understanding Providers
  • Importing HttpClient Module
  • Using Http Get,Post,Put, and Delete
  • Understanding Observables
  • Subscribing to an Observable
  • Accessing JSON data in Component Template
  • Understanding Routing
  • Creating Routes
  • Creating Routes with Parameters
  • Working with Child Routes
  • Understanding router-outlet
  • Navigating between Routes
  • Creating Parent and Child Components
  • Passing data from Parent to Child Component using @Input Decorator
  • Using ngOnChanges for Change Detection
  • Passing data to Parent from Child Component using @OutPut Decorator
  • Using Local Variables and @ViewChild
  • Understanding HTTP Basics
  • API Basics
  • JSON basics
  • Creating Action Methods with GET,POST,PUT, and DELETE
  • Writing CRUD operation methods
  • Using PostMan/Fiddler to Test the API's

We will be creating a Content Management System(CMS) using TypeScript 5, Angular 16, ASP.NET Core 8 Web API, Entity Framework Core 8, and many other technologies.

Benefits you will receive

Video Recordings

All live training sessions will be recorded so that student can watch all the training videos for future reference.

Full Source Code

Everything will be explained practically with full source code. After every session, student will receive entire source code files for future reference via DropBox.

Live Interaction

Student can interact with the faculty directly with a Microphone. All sessions will be conducted using Zoom.

Course Certificate

After completing a training student will receive a course completion certificate with a verified url.

Cost Effective

Greener and cost effective. Helps you to avoid commuting. More interactive and greater ability to concentrate from the comfort of your own home.

One-on-One Learning Experience

All training sessions will be one-on-one between the faculty and the participant for a richer learning experience.

Client Video Reviews

Client Reviews