Reading Corner
Books I have on my Bookshelf :
- Code Complete 2nd Edition (Just bought it)
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Just bought it)
- The Clean Coder (Just bought it)
- The Best thing about YOU is YOU
- Youth Arise, Awake and KNow Your Strength (Finished Reading)
- 97 Things every Programmer should know (Still reading this)
- Vivekananda His Call to the Nation
- The Living Health (Finished Listening)
- Faster ASP.NET Websites (Finished Reading)
- Version Control with Git (Finished Reading)
- Mastering Entity Framework (Finished Reading)
- Entity Framework Tutorials (Finished Reading)
- The Success Puzzle by Bob Proctor (Finished Listening)
- Your Erroneous Zones
- Think and Grow Rich
- C# 5.0 in a Nutshell (Using as a reference)
- C# 6.0 Pocket Reference (Using as a reference)
- Clean Code (Using as a reference)
- The Opinionated Software Developer - Shawn Wildermuth (Finished Reading)
- HTTP - K. Scott Allen (Finished Reading)
- 7 Secrets of Shiva (Still reading this)
- The Passionate Programmer : (Just bought it)
- Becoming a Better Programmer : (Reading now)
- Dependency Injection in .NET : (Reading now)
- Outwitting the devil : The secret to freedom and success
- Soft Skills : The Software Developer’s life manual (John Sonmez) (Finished reading)
- The End of Jobs (Finished reading)
- Home Remedies by Swami Sivananda (Reading now)
- Upanishad Ganga Volume 1 (Watching Now)
- Ten Upanishads by Swami Sivanada (Reading now)